8 Dec
8 Dec
2:56 a.m.
2009/12/8 Alvin Penner <penner@...1856...>:
Thanks, I just got one step closer. I got an SSH key and recorded it with Launchpad. Now my command history is as follows:
C:\Program Files\InkscapeBZR>bzr whoami Alvin Penner <penner@...1856...>
C:\Program Files\InkscapeBZR>bzr launchpad-login apenner
C:\Program Files\InkscapeBZR>bzr branch lp:inkscape Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted) bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Unable to authenticate to SSH host as apenner@...2293... supported auth types: ['publickey']
Something's still wrong with the SSH key. If you have more than one key on your machine, you might also need to tweak the SSH config file as described here.
Regards, Krzysztof