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On 10/12/06, <> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [inkscape] [Inkscape-user] Artists needed! (bulia byak)
   2. Re: NEW: blur quality/speed settings (Joshua A. Andler)
   3. Re: NEW: blur quality/speed settings (bulia byak)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 14:51:06 -0400
From: "bulia byak" <buliabyak@...400...>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] [inkscape] [Inkscape-user] Artists
To: "Jean-Maurice Le Clech" <jmlecl@...26...>
Cc: Inkscape Development Mailing List
        < >, John Cliff
        <simarilius@...36...>, Inkscape User Community
        < >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 10/12/06, Jean-Maurice Le Clech <jmlecl@...26...> wrote:
> Are you interrested by this one:
> I can try to finish it.

Sure, it's a great start!  I would love to see it finished. I just
wanted to reiterate that it's very important for you to use blur for
things like reflections, highlights and shadows - otherwise it will
look unnaturally flat and "vectory" no matter how many details you

bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:52:46 -0700
From: "Joshua A. Andler" <joshua@...533...>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] NEW: blur quality/speed settings
To: momo <momo@...1386...>
Cc:, bulia byak
        < buliabyak@...400...>
Message-ID: <452E8EFE.3090003@...533...>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

momo wrote:
>>> > Xara does the job smoothly and without putting the blur in a box.
>>> Can > we
>>> > expect the same behaviour in Inkscape?
>> By the way, note that Xara does not have blur - it only has
>> _feathering_. In many situations they are interchangeable, but not
>> always. Blur is more generic than feathering - that is, if you have
>> blur, you can do feathering with it, but the reverse is not true.
>> --
>> bulia byak
> Thank you for the explanation Bulia, I tried XARA and yes, the behaviour
> is quite different!! :)
> On the other side, the behaviour of Inkscape is still a little
> restrictive (10% box aroud the object is not very much) so it is not the
> most "comfortabe" tool for example to create a very diffused shadow... I
> attached 2 PNGs one created in Inkscape, the other one in xara.
> The shadow created in Inkscape is a combination of gausian blur and
> circular transparency, and the problem is that the 10% box around the
> object is still visible...
> The shadow created in Xara is a combination of feather and circular
> transparency. Since there is no restricted 10% area, the shadow looks as
> it has to.

Please be patient... we just told people to start using the blur
function. If you read bulia's other recent post to the list titled "blur
tips" you will see that he even suggested a workaround for the 10%
limitation. I'm sure there will be something in the UI to modify that
percentage at some point, but it CAN be worked around already. :)



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 14:56:01 -0400
From: "bulia byak" < buliabyak@...400...>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] NEW: blur quality/speed settings
To: momo <momo@...1386...>
        <3c78ff030610121156p2099f8d2o6656233a2549f7af@...401... >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 10/12/06, momo <momo@...1386...> wrote:
> Thank you for the explanation Bulia, I tried XARA and yes, the behaviour is
> quite different!! :)
> On the other side, the behaviour of Inkscape is still a little restrictive
> (10% box aroud the object is not very much) so it is not the most
> "comfortabe" tool for example to create a very diffused shadow...

As others already explained, this is not something that cannot be
fixed. It's just a case of us not (yet) having bothered to change the
default. Stay tuned, it should be ready before the release. If you
want a workaround that works right now, read my message titled "Blur
tips" sent yesterday.

bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.


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End of Inkscape-devel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 29