Libre Graphics Day is a one day miniconf at in Wellington, New Zealand on Monday 18th January, 2010.
This is a broad call to participate!
Do you develop, use, document, or train with Free Software Graphix tools? Tools such as GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender, Krita, Sk1, Fontforge and Fontmatrix. Are you involved in the testing and development of the sub-systems and libraries on which these apps depend?Submit proposal now!
* The X Window system * GEGL, Hugin, Oyranos * I/O devices and drivers; tablets, mice, keyboards, monitors,printers * Colour and Font Management * Cross-platform tools - developing for multiple platforms * Open Standards and file format interoperability: PDF, SVG, PNG etc * Open Content: clip art, fonts, creative commons, etc
Perhaps you can share expertise in the 'How' of Libre Graphics? Could you talk about Design techniques and workflow? Pre-press, or Themes and Skins for open source web frameworks. What about Digital asset management? What about the Why? Communication strategy and effective marketing using graphic design. Open Source publishing? What about Digital Art just for Art's sake? Perhaps you have other ideas that relate to Libre Graphics?
Please participate in our miniconf!
We're calling for presentations related to Free Software in the Graphics domain, and aim to provide an environment for cross-project collaboration to build understanding of shared problems, and work towards shared solutions. Most of all, we just wanna have fun, and bring some of the Libre Graphics Love to the southern hemisphere.
Submit a Proposal ----------------- To submit a proposal for participating in the LGD miniconf at 2010 go to
Call for Participation closes Friday 25th September!
Libre Graphics Day ------------------ For the past four years Libre Graphics Meetings (LGM) have allowed developers, users and supporters of free graphical applications of all kinds to get together to discover, share and collaborate. However, scheduling has not made it easy for those not close enough to attend. This miniconf will bring the LGM experience to those almost literally on the far side of the globe from LGM 2010.
Not only will this serve the developers working on graphical applications, drivers and technology who make up a portion of the core audience, but it will also bring in many users, artists, graphic designers and potential open source users. Developers of different projects will be able to learn from and collaborate with other projects, while also gaining insight on some of the uses artistic end users discover. Users will have a chance to gain insight into the open source development process while at the same time giving them an opportunity to provide feedback and input directly to the developers of projects they might use.
Miniconfs at are unable to accept sponsorship. However, if you wish to support, the conference sponsorship team would love to hear from you. For more info see
libre graphics meeting ---------------------- The fifth edition of the Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) will take place in Brussels, Belgium. In May 2010, users and developers of Free, Libre and Open Source creative software gather in the European capital for the collective sharing of creativity, innovation and ideas.
The Libre Graphics Meeting exists to unite and accelerate the efforts behind Free, Libre and Open Source creative software. Since 2006, this annual meeting has been the premiere conference where developers, users and supporters of projects such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, Krita, Scribus, Hugin, the Open Clipart Library, and the Open Font Library gather to work on interoperability, shared standards, and new ideas. Work at prior LGMs has pushed the state of the art in important areas such as color management, cross-application sharing of assets, and common formats.
Face-to-face meetings and opportunities for collaboration are important to developers and users alike; in the form of tutorials, talks, workshops, and birds-of-a-feather (BOF) the event offers many formal and informal opportunities to interact.
About ------------------- is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software! The coming, LCA2010, will be held at the Wellington Convention Centre in Wellington, New Zealand from Monday 18th January to Saturday 23rd January 2010. LCA2010 is fun, informal and seriously technical, bringing together Free and Open Source developers, users and community champions from around the world. LCA2010 is the second time has been held in New Zealand, with the first being Dunedin in 2006. is made possible by the generous support of our Conference Sponsors
About Linux Australia --------------------- Linux Australia is the peak body for Linux User Groups (LUGs) around Australia, and as such represents approximately 5000 Australian Linux users and developers. Linux Australia facilitates the organisation of this international Free Software conference in a different Australasian city each year.