On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:06 PM, Aaron Spike <aaron@...749...> wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
The tweak/sculpt tool is nice, but sometimes it seems to introduce a little too much distortion. It's also quite slow, and setting the appropriate width can be a bit annoying. How about implementing something like this? http://www-ui.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takeo/research/rigid/curve/index.html
Have you tried the "Node Sculpting" that was introduce in one of the last few versions? I think it behaves similar to what you describe.
I forgot about that one. Alt-drag in F2 mode you mean, right?
The automatic region of influence trick in the above link would be a nice addition to the Node Sculpting feature, too, I think. I find it kind of annoying to have to select all the nodes you want to affect in advance. (Though that capability shouldn't go away --- sometimes that's exactly what you need).
But the main difference with Node Sculpting, I think, is that the technique above is using angle-preserving deformation. So rather than just a simple falloff to the perturbation based on distance, it is minimizing a metric which tries to keep the curve's shape as similar to the original as possible while still meeting the drag constraint.