he said it's great!), and he told me something interesting: Some dialogs appear on top of everything else, but some don't. The Fill&Stroke and the Text&Font dialogs stay on top when clicking the document window, but the SPRect properties (for instance) does not. I found out there is a new window in my window manager called "SPRect attributes" (or "SPRect atributos", which is not correct in Spanish), which might explain the dis/appearance.
The attributes dialogs are really just debug tools, so I did not bother making them behave like normal dialogs. They're likely to be removed, all their controls available from the rect tool secondary toolbar and the XML editor.
Later on, there is this "Append filename extension automatically" (which is great) (I never understood why some apps wouldn't do it by themselves), but the thing is that if the filename has already the .svg extension, it will add another .svg to the name.
We specifically tested for this and this does not happen here. If your version is not the latest, this may be caused by non-ascii characters in the name. This is fixed in 0.38, please test again.
The last thing is about international scripts. When trying to write Arabic I found out it wouldn't show it properly: text was written from left to right and with no glyphs ligature at all.
Yes, text tool does not support right-to-left typesetting yet. Pangoization will help with this, but not cure this immediately.
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