Joshua A. Andler wrote:
bulia, I love the succinctness of the messages but I'm finding them less
helpful. When you talk of command line are you in the operating
or is
there a command line set-up in Inkscape itself? In the former I can
to my Inkscape folder and when I run "inkscape --version" it does
recognise this as a command. I am not very experienced with command
stuff, but willing to learn.
On my Windows 98, it's called "MS-DOS window" in the Start menu. Run it and use DOS commands to navigate to a dir and/or run a command. I have no idea if this is different on XP; others please provide more XP-specific info.
On XP it's the "Command Prompt" under Start>All Programs>Accessories.
However, when I tried the --version flag it didn't launch inkscape (or return any info to the command prompt)... if I do it with -version it launches at least, but gives no version info. Any thoughts?
Does it work for you on 98 Bulia?
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Actually, the old mechanism that we had, of being able to insert the version info into the svg doc in About was nice. Maybe we could work something out, such the About dialog inserting a text node into the doc; or even easier, have an xlink to a dynamically-made small svg with the info?
Or simplest of all, display it on the About window's dragbar?