On 1/6/06, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
B) that you can be VERY intimidating to people that don't know you...
Joshua, I realize that what I'm now going to say may not sound very polite, but I have to ask you (and everyone else) to please stop making such accusations without supporting them with any facts. I strive to be extremely polite and to the point in everything I write. Maybe I fail sometimes, but then I would apprecitate specific pointers to such occasions. Sorry but I'm getting tired of this "bbyak is intimidating" talk which is never adequately proven or even explained. If you are prepared to make a case against me supported by evidence, I would like to hear, and I will apologize if proven wrong. If you are not prepared to do this, I would appreciate your keeping your opinion about me in private. Is this not too much to ask?
Specifically in this case, a lot of people initially protested against this change, despite my "intimidation". And what made them change their mind was again not "intimidation" but a better explanation of what is being proposed as well as an extension of the original proposal (adding the "Always snap" checkbox for grid).
So, making an argument based on how many people speak up is far from an accurate method to gage things. In addition to that, it almost seems like when you ask these questions on the list, you do it as a formality only with no intention of it potentially making a difference in what you have planned.
That's simply not correct. You asked for abs units, you got them.
OK, knowing that you have worked with Illustrator, I went there and checked how it implements this. It's version 9, but I don't think much has changed in this department since then. Here are my findings:
- For grid: Snapping is always forced, i.e. even if the grid cell takes all screen, you will snap to grid across half the screen no matter what. This is what we will have with "Always snap" checkbox.
- For guides: Snapping distance is very small (2 or 3 pixels maybe), not settable anywhere I could find, and most importantly, it's definitely IN SCREEN PIXELS. So, if I zoom out, I will snap from farther away in document units than when zoomed in.
So, by your definition, Illustrator seems to be unfit for work with real world units, right? :)
Anyway, this little problem definitely takes way more of my energy than it deserves. I will not respond to your accusations that "we ignore you", because the best refutation to this is just a look at the current dialog which, per your request, DOES have abs pixels as an option. I am sorry (really) that we lost all other abs units in this transition, but it wasn't me who coded that. As I wrote already, you are perfectly welcome to add a full units dropdown back, it should not be too difficult. I hope this closes the issue; at least I very much hope to be able to not write about this anymore.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org