On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 02:56 -0800, Jiaxiang wrote:
I'm thinking of taking the plunge, that is, doing all my SVG-based graphics in Inkscape and putting all of my little Sodipodi "evangelism" (video tutorials, word-of-mouth advertising, donations) to work for Inkscape.
Ideally try to cover more than one application. For a tutorial this might mean focusing on one application, but mentioning how things are done in others when significantly different, especially if another editor has a more elegant way of doing something.
For word-of-mouth advertizing, we should make sure people are aware of strengths of other applications. E.g. skencil has a mature scripting interface with a largish library of extensions available. GLIPS Graffiti has better SVG compliance than Inkscape, by using Batik as a base (though of course has the same disadvantage of being less portable than Inkscape due to requiring non-Free java). http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OtherProjects compares Inkscape with various other programs, with an emphasis on where other programs do a better job than Inkscape.
Jiaxiang, can you use your knowledge of sodipodi to add to the entry for Sodipodi ? E.g. if you prefer some aspects of sodipodi's interface, then give details, which may influence our thinking about future interface decisions.