I followed the advice from http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingMacOsX and compiled the latest revision for OS X (downloaded yesterday).
As far as I can tell it's working well. It's just that my self-built version uses a somewhat strange gtk theme where only the sliders are looking Aqua-like. The latest available prepackaged nightly build for OSX uses a theme that is much nicer and I would like to change the theme for my self-built version to look like the prepackaged build. Is there some way to do that?
Here is a screenshot of the prepackaged built (both run with latest XQuartz):
http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/7527/inkscapeprepackagednighfm6.png Pre-Packaged Nightly
and here is one of my self-built version:
http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/7348/inkscapeselfbuilthq4.png Self-Built Nightly
They look similar but the theme of my self-built version lacks the finesse of the other theme and looks kinda clumsy...
I suspect it's a build setting somewhere I couldn't find. So if anyone knows something, please speak up...
Thanks for listening.