On 9/22/05, Erik <kaver@...68...> wrote:
The URL is http://ian.umces.edu/discforum/index.php?topic=178.new;topicseen#new The file is ianfish.svg.
Thanks, I tried it and found that my advice to unlink the clone wouldn't actually work for this file. That's because it uses a clone of <symbol> which we don't fully support. But I just checked a quick fix that will allow you to at least unlink the symbol properly. So with CVS version, you can ungroup, unlink, ungroup etc. down to the basic elements. There are still many glitches remaining (fish shifts on unlinking; dark polka dots disappear on ungrouping - but they're actually there, just save and reload the file to restore them; warnings in the console etc) but overall it works now.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org