On 23 March 2016 at 09:14, Krzysztof Kosiński <tweenk.pl@...400...> wrote:
Very cool project! I'll try this out on my Windows computer.

Thanks :)

Now if only we could make something like this for Windows VMs :)

Yeah, it just looked a lot harder to build Inkscape on Windows so I aimed for Linux :)

But in theory, to make it happen, you would modify two sections of the Vagrantfile:

1. the "box" property:
config.vm.box = "janihur/ubuntu-1404-desktop"
... to point to some Win7 image or similar.

2. The "SHELL" script. This would be re-written to be a .bat file which does similar to what the bash script is doing now. Have no idea how though, and I would guess it's *a lot* harder, as you cannot even install a compiler simply in Windows, and there is no packaging support, and the list goes on...

2016-03-23 0:45 GMT-07:00 Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...400...>:
> Hi Inkscape list!
> I've worked on a Vagrantfile* over the past few months, that is able to
> bring up a virtual build- and test machine for Inkscape. The VM is running
> on Lubuntu linux (lightweight Ubuntu) so you can actually run the inkscape
> binary produced by the build. You can, of course, modify the Inkscape source
> code within the VM, and rebuild.
> So if you got Vagrant and VirtualBox up and running, creating a development
> environment for Inkscape is just a "vagrant up" away. Because of this, it is
> relatively simple to develop Inkscape regardless on what OS&machine you are
> on, be it Windows, Mac or Linux - as long as you can install VirtualBox and
> Vagrant you are good to go.
> I'd love feedback and/or pull requests.
> https://github.com/objarni/inkup/
> /Olof
> * The Vagrantfile is the "recipe" used to build a VM using Vagrant. Vagrant
> automates the creation and management of virtual machines on a computer. It
> supports VM ware, VirtualBox and more.
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