
This is pretty neat, does your project have a website? I'd like to know more information about it :)  What about the format is holding you up? It looks like you have some code from a number of sources that can read and display NAPLPS files?

On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 6:00 AM, Nick Fox-Gieg <nick@...3627...> wrote:
Hey, I'm looking to recreate a decoder for NAPLPS, an '80s binary vector format, to restore some art games made at InterAccess in Toronto in time for the 35th anniversary of the project next year.

I thought an InkScape import plugin might be a great place to start--I have the NAPLPS spec and examples collected here:

The holdup is, I've never worked with binary formats before, so I was wondering if anybody had advice how to best start tackling the problem?


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