On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Martin Owens wrote:
I believe you are right. But Gimp risks a fork if it isn't interested in targeting edit workflows.
GIMP has been forked probably half a dozen of times, as far as _I_ can recall (that is, not all the way to its inception). So far none of those forks survived.
This is up to the developers and designers of course. But there isn't anything on the Linux desktop that can do cropping and colour tasks.
While Krita focuses on digital painting, it has working cropping and basic color grading tools. They have the basics covered. You are most welcome to use it.
It would be nice if they had said "don't use gimp for this, use X". But instead the argument (which is poor community communication) was to "get used to it". Utterly failing to differentiate their users and their workflows.
I'm not sure, where you were when this change was communicated to users, but you were clearly absent. Because we told people on many, many occasions that they a) have a choice other than GIMP, b) can install Akkana's plugin, c) can use existing forks that specifically bring back the old behavior.
Ignorantia non est argumentum, Martin :)
That said, I'm quite interested how you are going to deal with this in Inkscape.