After a rather long break, I have started again at trying to do some development with inkscape, I was wondering if there was a few quick questions I could ask.
debug statements - Im currently trying to get the hang of the code by basically going through and adding debug statements to try and follow the program flow, however g_warning (and g_print/printf/g_debug etc) messages are not being sent to stdout when they are called, I only recieve them after inkscape has been closed, a grep on "g_set_print_handler" gives me nothing back and its supposed to default to stdout, Im assuming the command line interface is interfering in some way but having problems finding how, and how to fix it.
complication - compiling the application takes a little more time than is really usable to be developing with, my machine isnt great, 1.6Ghz, 512Ram, but I expect im not compiling it in the right way for development, i tried turning off optimisation with
export CXXFLAGS='-g -O0 -Wall' export CFLAGS='-g -O0 -Wall'
and trying to use ccache
export CXX='ccache g++'
the optimization does not seem to have affected much, and using the CXX flag gives me configure errors about not being able to find libraries that are installed. it takes me around 4 minutes to do a make / make install, im not really sure if this is an acceptable / usual time for recompiling.
inkboard - after having to give up last time, im going to try finding the bug on my platform with inkboard that I mentioned in http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=9660890&forum_id=...
when I left last time, I could invite another user to join an inkboard session, which worked perfectly, however I could not recieve connections, either from another instance of inkscape, or another user.
I was wondering if anyone who is working with inkboard had anytime on or after sunday ( any time suitable, I will be making myself permanently free from then on) would be able to join me in the inkscape jabber room, as the problem is quite hard to debug with a single session, that doesnt work.