Mihaela wrote:
if you use this formula(s):
angle 8 axiom x a=n n=o o=p p=x b=e e=h h=j j=y x=F[+A(4)]Fy y=F[-B(4)]Fx F=@1.18F@...1985...
There are many slight variations on interpreting the characters in l-system rules as drawing commands. I believe I've found an explanation of the variation you are using at:
The problem is that the rule language above and Inkscape's rule language differ. In Inkscapes rule language characters have the following meaning:
A-F: draw a line of specified length G-L: move forward specified length without drawing +: left turn -: right turn |: 180 degree turn [: remember current state ]: return to last remembered state All other characters are ignored.
The rule language implemented in Inkscape doesn't currently support the @ or @i commands for multiplying the line length. And in my quick search I didn't run across an explanation for (4).
If you'd like to try your hand at fixing these omission in Inkscape check out the source for this extension in lindenmayer.py:
Aaron Spike