In Inkscape - can you have multiple Viewboxes ?
If so how should it be interpreted ?
> -----
On 9/12/2014 12:58 AM, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
> Units in Inkscape
> =================
> Introduction
> -----------
> The recent debate about units in Inkscape highlights the fact that we do
> not have a clearly defined approach on how to handle units in Inkscape.
> Units are not as straight-forward as one should think they are. This
> essay attempts to resolve this problem.
> Historical View
> ---------------
> Part of the problem with units in SVG and CSS in general is why they are
> there in the first place. In the early days it was assumed that one
> would want to display drawings on a screen at full scale. In other
> words, a "one inch square" would be display on a screen as a physical
> one inch square. This required that displays be queryable as to what
> there true DPI was. Display manufactures rarely provided the means to
> query the DPI of the display, and when they did, they often returned
> incorrect results. Thus, the use of "real" units never became popular
> and in reality is usually not what one wanted. Eventually, after long
> arguments, the CSS working group dictated that one inch would be fixed
> to 96 pixels regardless of screen resolution (ironically, with so called
> "Retina" displays, there is once again interest in scaling drawings
> based on DPI).
> A Philosophy
> ------------
> Absolute units should not be used inside an SVG file with one exception:
> The 'root' width and height may have units, which with a proper
> 'viewBox' determines an appropriate scale for a drawing. (This sets the
> 'real' world value of the SVG 'user unit.) This reflect the opinion of
> the majority of the SVG working group.
> It should be noted that the relative units 'em', 'ex', and '%' can be
> useful in some cases.
> Inkscape & Units
> ----------------
> Inkscape should not write out absolute units other than in the root SVG
> element. Inkscape must, however, be able to interpret units from
> non-Inkscape produced files according to the CSS defined value of 96
> pixels (initial user-units) per inch.
> The use of units in the Inkscape GUI is for ease of authoring only. The
> actual values should be stored as 'user-units'.
> Changing the "Inkscape GUI unit" should not introduce any 'transforms'
> on elements (as seems to being done now) nor should changing the SVG
> root 'width'/'height units or the 'viewBox'.
> The GUI should reflect the chosen Inkscape GUI unit scaled to take into
> account the SVG root 'width'/'height' and 'viewBox'.
> For example:
> <svg width="100mm" height="100mm" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
> describes a drawing 100mm x 100mm where one 'user-unit' is equivalent to
> one mm.
> If the Inkscape property inkscape:document-units="mm" then the GUI would
> show a width of '25.4' for a rectangle 25.4 'user-units' wide. If
> inkscape:document-units="in", the GUI would show '1.0'.
> To implement this, one either needs to find the proper scaling from
> examining the SVG root 'width'/'height' and 'viewBox' properties or
> create a new Inkscape property that fixes this scale (in which case
> changing the 'width'/'height' would change the 'viewBox' and vice
> versa).
> Tav
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