Hi Maren,
I guess there are no bug reports? Honestly that's the first I've
ever heard that!
From: <maren@...3246...65...>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 4:32 AM
To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3133...>
Cc: "inkscape-devel" <inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>> Hi Maren,
>> Interesting.... I've actually never heard that, that disabling snapping
>> speeds up the program.
>> I guess maybe in the sense that unintended snapping makes you have to
>> slow
>> down your workflow. But actually slowing down Inkscape from working, I
>> haven't heard that.
>> With 0.91, and I think it's the 64-bit version, hiding the rulers can
>> solve
>> a big speed problem. But I sure haven't heard about snapping?
> Here is one example:
> http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=28236&p=89430&hilit=snapping#p89430
> Regards,
> Maren
>> Thanks,
>> brynn
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: <maren@...3165...>
>> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 5:37 PM
>> To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3133...>
>> Cc: "inkscape-devel" <inkscape-devel@...1239....net>
>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>>> Just two notes:
>>> - Spacebar switches to selection tool (toggles back and forth between
>>> current and selector), so the key is not free.
>>> - There are expert users at inkscapeforum.com who routinely recommend
>>> turning off snapping to gain speed improvements, so there is probably
>>> something to it (I never noticed anything, but my drawings are not very
>>> complex usually).
>>> (but the requested feature sounds enormously useful, especially for
>>> toggling through nodes that are placed (almost) directly above each
>>> other)
>>> Regards,
>>> Maren
>>>> Would these, either Spacebar or Enter key, be customizable, using
>>> Inkscape Preferences?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> brynn
>>>> ______________________________________________________
>>>> From: C R
>>>> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 9:06 AM
>>>> To: Brynn
>>>> Cc: Olof Bjarnason ; LucaDC ; inkscape-devel
>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>>>> Olof and I discussed also using the Enter key as a toggle for selecting
>>>> the
>>>> node to avoid having to click as much. This key is also free from
>>> bindings in the Node Tool, and makes an intuitive natural key for
>>>> selecting/deselecting. As an alternative, I'd suggest the spacebar
>>> (which can be used on websites for toggling radio buttons/checkboxes),
>>> but I fear a
>>>> clash with grabbing the view to drag, which I also dearly love. :) It's
>>> possible that it's not too much of a clash, as it's tapping vs holding.
>>>> -C
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Brynn <brynn@...3133...> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I watched his video :-)
>>>> If we weren't in the middle of a release cycle, it would be nice to
>>>> discuss
>>>> the mouse snapping or maybe called pointer snapping. But Olof tells me
>>>> the
>>>> snapping is super heavy in the program.
>>>> And I would be happy with either of your solutions :-)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> brynn
>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>> From: C R
>>>> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 4:19 AM
>>>> To: Brynn
>>>> Cc: Olof Bjarnason ; LucaDC ; inkscape-devel
>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>>>> Clicking and dragging selects every node the circle touches, as if you
>>>> were
>>>> painting the selection. The distance is controlled by the bounds of the
>>> circle, which is better, since you can control the radius as shown, with
>>> the
>>>> mouse wheel for extra precision.
>>>> Olof's selection tool is better for instances where nodes are very
>>>> close
>>> together though (make sure you watch his video):
>>>> https://youtu.be/dy3YQWLBb4Y
>>>> Both would be awesome to have, but I think Olof is right about the
>>> complexity of the paint select tool being hard to impliment vs his very
>>> nice, and tidy solution, which may work better for your case anyway. :)
>>>> -C
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Brynn <brynn@...3133...> wrote:
>>>> Hi C R,
>>>> From my simple user's perspective, that seems like it should
>>>> help.
>>>> But
>>>> the optional distance setting would need to be closer than Inks Prefs
>>> dialog
>>>> (and not require a restart, like grab sensitivity).
>>>> Between the brush idea and the key stroke idea, it seems like
>>>> they
>>>> are
>>>> very similar. Either way, it's the area around the mouse pointer where
>>>> the
>>>> node is selected. So it seems like the "brush" select would be more
>>>> fluid.
>>>> But how would it be enabled? Do you click to grab the node, or does
>>> just touching it with the "brush" select it? This seems very similar to
>>> the lasso select which was mentioned earlier in this thread. If the
>>> lasso could
>>>> be made to work with the Node tool (in all systems), then maybe you
>>> could just add the "brush" to it? (Of course, keeping in mind my
>>> non-technical perspective, hah.)
>>>> Thanks for everyone's interest in this :-)
>>>> All best,
>>>> brynn
>>>> ________________________________________________
>>>> From: C R
>>>> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 12:54 AM
>>>> To: Brynn
>>>> Cc: LucaDC ; inkscape-devel
>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>>>> See this quick video capture for Blender paint-select feature:
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/r38x7q9yjdjggdl/paint_select_blender_demo.mp4?dl=0
>>>> As you can, see it's faster and more convenient than anything we've
>>> discussed so far. Precision can be changed on the fly.
>>>> Their implementation requires you to commit the selection with the
>>> Escape button, but I don't think this is necessary.
>>>> In short, we could do this, but better.
>>>> -C
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 12:47 AM, Brynn <brynn@...3133...> wrote:
>>>> That sounds helpful too. I would have to try it first, before I know
>>>> if
>>>> it
>>>> helps with my particular problem.
>>>> It sounds like it essentially makes the pointer bigger?
>>>> Isn't that similar to what the Grab Sensitivity does? While it doesn't
>>> affect the Node tool, I've tried with the Selection tool. It works
>>> great if the objects on the canvas are far enough apart. But on a
>>> crowded canvas,
>>>> it seems to want to select objects next to the one I want to select. I
>>> guess Inkscape can't read my mind, and know which object I want.
>>>> I wonder if it would be the same case with the node pointer?
>>>> All best,
>>>> brynn
>>>> _____________________________________________
>>>> From: C R
>>>> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:46 PM
>>>> To: Brynn
>>>> Cc: LucaDC ; inkscape-devel
>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>>>> Blender has a nice solution to the problem of clicking/selecting small
>>> nodes.
>>>> If you press "c" it turns the mouse pointer into a circle. You can
>>> adjust the size of this circle with the mouse-wheel, and just paint over
>>> the nodes
>>>> you want to select with it. press escape when done to exit the
>>>> selection
>>> mode. though we could just as easily use the enter key which may be more
>>> intuitive.
>>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Brynn <brynn@...3133...> wrote:
>>>> Ok, thanks Luca.
>>>> Fyi to everyone, Olof is helping make a better and more clear
>>> presentation of the situation and request. Just take me a little time
>>> to learn how to make a video (which I should have done years ago).
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> brynn
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: "LucaDC" <dicappello@...2144...>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 2:59 AM
>>>> To: <inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] possibly strange question (snap)
>>>> Brynn wrote
>>>> (That would be the first use I've ever found for mouse position values
>>> in the bottom-right corner, that shows the position of the mouse. If
>>> you're working in a file where measurement needs to be precise, you can
>>> place your
>>>> mouse on the precise coordinates.)
>>>> This could hardly be called a precise positioning as the displayed
>>> coordinates are rounded and their definition depends on the zoom level.
>>> What
>>>> you get depends on the discretization of your monitor's pixels
>>> coordinates translated into document's coordinates.
>>>> A better way to achieve a precise positioning is using guides: drag out
>>> a guide, open its dialog to set its coordinates and snap to its origin
>>> whatever you want to be exactly there.
>>>> Luca
>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context:
>>>> http://inkscape.13.x6.nabble.com/possibly-strange-question-snap-tp4976904p4976941.html
>>> Sent from the Inkscape - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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