Our monthly board meeting is scheduled for this Friday, Feb 2nd, 10am Pacific time in #inkscape-devel. All members are welcome.
(Note that a Release Team meeting will follow immediately after. The Vectors Team will be meeting the next day, Saturday the 3rd.)
+ Madras Printer's and Lithographers' Association + Boston Hackfest (March) [doctormo] + Merchandise sales [crogers] + Board election process review [tedg] + Infrastructure hosting [bryce] + LGM 2018 [Tav] + GSoC [ScislaC] + Other Business
Action Items from last meeting:
♦ ACTION: Re-ping Madras Printer's and Lithographer's Assoc. [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Find out who did the Indian language translation [Tav/Moini] ♢ ACTION: Calls for fundraising for the hackfest [bryce/Moini] ♦ ACTION: Arrange vote for Boston hackfest [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Arrange vote for LGM [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Port credential repo changes from bzr to git [doctormo] ♦ ACTION: Move credentials repo to a new git project [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Ping Brett regarding DigitalOcean [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Investigate CloudScale.ch [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Kickoff the 0.92.3 release [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Arrange vote on Budget 2018 [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Connect with Diego about CMYK planning [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Kickoff GSoC 2018 registration [ScislaC] ♢ ACTION: Make a list of projects for cleaning up our code base [Tav] ♢ ACTION: Pursue the RedHat option for the hackfest [doctormo] ♢ ACTION: Send invites to old Inkscapers to attend hackfest [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Collect CMYK ideas into Color_management wiki page [alface]