bulia byak schrieb:
No. strl+shift+f opens it, and if it's open, moves focus to it. Then ctrl+w closes it.
Okay, got it. I completely agree with you that if the focus is away from a dialog then pressing the shortcut should move the focus to it. So I should have been more clear in my "mission statement": Would it be possible to use the same shortcut for closing if the dialog is already visible _and has focus_? At least that's precisely what I wanted to achieve before dialogs were dockable. I must admit that I'm not sure how intuitive this would be for the casual user in the case of a docked dialog (although I personally would still find it useful, and it's certainly as intuitive as Ctrl+W having two different "meanings", namely closing the document/closing the dialog, depending on the focus).
BTW, only now I realized that dialogs have differently colored "captions" depending on the focus. Am I the only one to find it slightly irritating that unfocused dialogs are darker? To me, unfocused has a connotation of "less visible/less apparent" or even "more diffuse", so if I had to make a choice I would reverse the shading. But it's really more a matter of which alternative I find less unintuitive rather than a strong plea for one of them. :) (Please don't get me wrong, though - it is a necessary and very useful feature; it's just that I always need a second or two to deduce from the shading whether a dialog has focus or not).
P.S.: Gustav, many thanks for your fixes regarding Ctrl+W and the doubled call of present().