On 28/1/11 01:25, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2011/1/25 ~suv <suv-sf@...58...>:
... or release 0.48.1-1 for Windows with the previous cairo version (1.8.8) and an updated win32 package 0.48.1-2 with cairo 1.10.2 as soon as a fix is available?
The older releases have a PDF export bug for black strokes, which might be more severe han an UI glitch. What do you think? It's easy to revert the Cairo upgrade temporarily, or the person building the Windows installer could use an earlier revision of devlibs.
It is tricky... On the one hand, the new cairo version fixes at least one known issue with PDF export (and likely others, too, but I don't have an overview of the changes between cairo 1.8.8 and 1.10.2), on the other hand the first user reaction we got in the bug report was "It's a VERY annoing bug."
Releasing with a _known_ UI regression doesn't feel quite right to me, nor does not fixing the PDF issue. But the UI issue will affect all users, the PDF export likely far fewer (otherwise it would have been reported and commented more often, in the bug tracker and elsewhere).
Any comments from Windows users (Johan, JazzyNico, Uwesch,...)? The issue is limited to the Windows builds afaict [1] and its impact on usability seems difficult to evaluate without actually using an affected build.
While the outage of most of Sourceforge's services [2] (including "New Release upload capability") buys us some time - is there a chance this issue could be investigated whether there's possibly an "easy" fix?
[1] on osx for example, with the same upgraded cairo/libpng versions Inkscape doesn't have the GUI glitch, at least not with the latest gtk+ 2.22 [2] http://sf.net/sitestatus