I made a lib2geom toy which creates stitches especially for hair-like effects where an area should be filled with lines similar to a given curve:
Code is in the src/toys/hair* files:
It works the following way: 1. Create offset curves until there is no intersection between curve and offset curve. 2. Create equidistant stitches on the middle curve 3. Create stitches similar to the ones on the middle curve on all other curves 4. Calculate intersections between curves and area outline. Throw away stitches outside the area. 5. Find the best ordering of lines so the amount of stitches along the area outline for connecting different parts is minimized. I do the connecting stitches along the outline since I sometimes want to use a very low density of lines and then I can't hide the connecting stitches under "future lines".
I'd like to create an LPE which can be applied to a closed curve (blue) with an open curve (red) as parameter.
Any comments?
Michael: Would you like to share the work you have done so far?
Best Regards, Alexander Brock