Yeah, gimp shows it ncorrectly as well.

On 6/20/05, mental@...3... <mental@...233.....3... > wrote:
Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...400... >:

> Both files contain 7 objects. Of these 7, one is a group of 0
> objects and is therefore invisible and unselectable (except by
> Ctrl+A) - in both files. The only difference is that in -issue,
> two of the paths are distorted by node-editing and have different
> z-order. There's no other difference between the files.
> Both files display the same in Batik/Adobe as in Inkscape.

Have you checked in something using librsvg (e.g. gimp)?  I suspect
we might be seeing another rendering bug in librsvg...
