On Sat, 2014-05-31 at 14:23 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Just curious, and I'm not asking you to look into it, only if you know off the top of your head... I'm aware of things like alternate characters and ligatures in CSS3, are they still namespaced for different browsers, or have they been "upgraded" anywhere yet?
As I have an interest in this too, I did a little bit of investigation. There are two ways of setting font variants: the higher level 'font-variant' set of properties and the lower level 'font-feature-settings'.
For the higher level 'font-variant' property, it appears that none of the browsers implement the CSS3 variant of this property other than Chrome which implements 'font-variant-ligatures' (at least in HTML). Firefox and Chrome seem to implement the 'font-feature-setting' property but I didn't check if they do it without prefixes. There is an HTML test page at: