On 13/01/2013 20:33, Justin Dearing wrote:
On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Joel Holdsworth wrote:
On 13/01/2013 18:02, Justin Dearing wrote:
I created a 512x512 svg image to serve as the "master" logo and icon for poshrunner. I then use inkscape from the command line to make png renderings at 256,128,64,48,32, and 16 pixel square resolution, and then use FreeImage to create a single ICO file that gets embedded into the final ico. This involves two powershell scripts: https://github.com/zippy1981/AppDomainPoshRunner/blob/master/art/buildart.ps... https://github.com/zippy1981/AppDomainPoshRunner/blob/master/art/buildIcon.p...
It would be nice to simplify this process. Could inkscape add multi resolution ico export support? For the resolution it could be a series of checkboxes for the accepted resolution (btw as of Vista the ICO format supports 256x256). For the scriptable command line version the syntax could look like: inkscape --export-ico=foo.ico--export-ico-resolutions=16,32,48,64,48,128,256 foo.svg
You've got to be a bit careful with that. Even though SVG icons are scalable in theory in practice, if you want to do the job properly you need to hand adjust variants for different sizes.
I agree in theory, but have you seen my ugly icons in practice?
For those of us that make icons as ugly and utilitarian as I do (text and basic shapes/gradients),there is little need to tweak per resolution and a lack of ability to do so if we were so inclined.
So unless I am the only person that makes such ugly icons and lacks the skill, and artistic knowledge, to tweak per resolution (which I very well might be) I think there is merit in this.
Existing feature request in the bug tracker (not implemented): - Bug #175409 “.ico export?” https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/175409
Custom Inkscape extension: - InkscapeSaveAsIcoExtension by David Damerell https://bitbucket.org/daviddamerell/inkscapesaveasicoextension
Haven't tested the extension 'Windows Icon Generator' myself, but - if you manage to install the required external dependencies (from ImageMagick and netpbm: pngtopnm, convert, ppmtowinicon, pnmquant) on Windows - might be useful for your task nevertheless?