I just tried uninstalling to check whether the uninstaller would delete my theme customizations in etc, lib, and share when it uninstalled it's core files, and ran into the following problems.
FYI, the original installation was into E:\Inkscape
1) Installer appeared to be deleting files and at the end of the process pop'd a dialog asking if I wanted to delete "E". Obviously as E is one of my partitioned "drives" I said no. Don't really know what the uninstaller would have done, but this appears serious.
2) Likely due to my "no" answer in (1), it doesn't appear any files were deleted by the installer.
Note that the original install did not go smoothly as I first tried to have the installer install to a non-empty directory containing my theme customizations. Once the installer squawked that it couldn't install to a non-empty dir, I manually deleted my customizations (while the installer was still running) and then was able to get the installer to continue by clicking the Cancel button (I think) many times until it continued.
It may be that the original installation snags are to blame for.
However, this is an example of why I initially avoid installers like the plague until they prove that they will not degrade my system.
Please, please, please continue to provide the 7z's at the same time as the installers :)
I'll check out the next release of the installer when it comes out to see how it handles installing to an existing dir with theme customizations.