Get ready for maximum awe ./src/inkscape Feel the awe.
Ha, well I'm going to have to try your "beast mode" on a more capable machine. I compiled on an old core2 duo laptop and it wasn't happy.
I think your C++ expertise would be most useful if you further the
integration with the underlying OS. Please take a look at:
I'm a little confused about this branch. Is this going to be merged into trunk? suv has done some amazing work here, but I think it's still her private branch. I'd love to contribute to this effort; it's far ahead of the current x11 builds.
I just copied and pasted my own instruction here. It’s already very similar
to what’s on wiki and what Liam gave to you, but the configure process is a little different. I also want to clarify that this is for Inkscape 0.91, not 0.48. (The 0.91 is what you get from the trunk anyway). Let me know if it works!
It works! Thank you so much! It wasn't hard once I gave up on homebrew, but I did have to play around with it a bit. Both my development machines are on 10.10, and I wasn't able to get macports installed on either. I wound up installing on an older laptop with a completely fresh install of 10.9. I made notes as I went, and here's what worked for me:
******* Installing fresh on 10.9
install Macports install Xcode start Xcode and let it install the command line tools install Xquartz and restart
install dependencies: $:port install cairo boehmgc gtkmm gtk-engines2 intltool libxslt lcms popt poppler boost gsl gnome-vfs libgnomeprintui automake autoconf bzr
get inkscape: $:mkdir Inkscape $:cd Inkscape $:bzr branch lp:inkscape trunk
create a build directory: $:mkdir trunk_build $:cd trunk_build
configure the build system: $:../trunk/ $:../trunk/configure --prefix=YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY --disable-static --enable-shared CC="clang" CXX="g++" CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -I/opt/local/include" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include -U__STRICT_ANSI__"
compile it (this will take a long time. recommend consuming an adult beverage): $:make -j 4 $:make install src/inkscape
run it: $:bin/inkscape