On 10/5/07, rosros-3@...112... <rosros-3@...112...> wrote:
Things that could be done in a future enhanced gradient editor:
- Chosing the interpolation between stoppoints (for instance
linear, cubic spline, other functions...) [of course this is the abstract viewpoint, since finally all SVG gradients will be a set of stoppoints with linear interpolation of colors and alpha between them]. 2) Inserting formulae for the generation of RGBA values AND of the positions of stoppoints see http://rosros-3.blogspot.com/
Yes, all of this would be nice to have, especially profiles. But since SVG only supports linear interpolation, all of this will have to be done via intermediate stops, automatically inserted with some approximation precision. In other words, these are going to be one-time commands (e.g. "Interpolate cubic between these stops using this gamma and this precision"), but not some attributes of a gradient that you can change. Such commands will likely need some setup dialogs - in particular, a graph representation of the profile would be very useful, as is done in Xara. But I don't think this belongs in a gradient editor dialog, if only because these profiles are applied to pairs of stops, not to the entire gradient which may include both linear and profiled spans. So I think an "Edit profile" button on the toolbar, activated when two stops are selected, will be the best UI for this.