On Mon, Apr 07, 2014 at 11:08:18PM +0200, Johan Engelen wrote:
(copying lib2geom maillist on this)
On 7-4-2014 22:06, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz wrote:
Is there any function in 2Geom to handle this: http://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/systems-linear-equations-matrices.html or the same :python numpy.linalg.solve
Thanks in advance, Jabier.
Hi Jabier, I think there is, have a look at 2geom/numeric/linear_system.h I have never used it, and know nothing about it. But it's there :-)
Jabier, Johan,
Yes, though I wonder whether we would be better off using something like Eigen for our numerics, as this was something that someone (marco? jan?) stuck in for a specific problem. There are better libraries for linear algebra, and we shouldn't reinvent the wheel there.