I don't understand why a simple survey bother people so much. Really.

I think it's rather that some of us have given rather long and detailed suggestions for how to go about making the survey useful to the project. So there may be some disappointment involved in the reaction. I wouldn't take it personally, though. I think the reaction is to the expectations of an official Inkscape survey, and you were pretty clear that this survey was just for your own purposes. :)

I am not bothered by the result however.
I think you have given us a good topic to discuss that has yielded a lot of excellent advice from Brynn and others which we can use in the future to build a future survey more useful to development of Inkscape.

Thanks for sharing your results. The sample set may not make much of a bell-curve, but it's certainly given us something to discuss.

> Lgbtq is how some people identify themselves.

L = female 
G = male
B = male or female (probably)
T = male or female (probably)
Q = male or female or other

LGBTQ is a community, rather than a gender. If you want to collect this information, it may be more useful to put it on a separate line with a yes/no answer or checkbox. For gender I'd put "Male", "Female", "Other", "I'd rather not say". To be inclusive. This IS helpful information in that it lets us know where we should focus extra outreach to make sure everyone knows about Inkscape, and provide a welcoming community that everyone feels equally included in.

I was astonished to see the Blender survey results that show an overwhelmingly male following. 
Once you have this information, it's only a matter of reaching out to the demographic for advice on how to make our community more appealing.  

>This subject is too small and unimportant to have such attention don't you think so?

Maybe, but I'd like to thank you for the following:
1. Asking us for permission to post your independent survey.
2. Respecting our requests to make it clear that it was unofficial.
3. Offering to share your results with us.
4. Being patient with our criticism, despite having essentially done what we asked in terms of an unofficial survey, for your own purposes. The criticism is based on what the project needs (since you seemed interested in helping the project with the survey) for an official survey, not on any independent surveys, which we have no control over. :)

You didn't have to do any of that, and I think that deserves a lot of thanks.

Once again, thanks for reaching out to us.

My 2p.

On Dec 4, 2016 3:03 PM, "Tobias Ellinghaus" <houz@...173...> wrote:

Am Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2016, 15:48:49 CET schrieb brynn:


> I think at best, we can call this information "anecdotal".  It can't really
> be used to guide development or solve problems.  I'm sorry to be so
> negative, and I would love it if someone can show me a positive side.

Besides that I also have a hard time seeing why some of the questions are
relevant. Age, gender (when did LGBTQ become a gender?), country? Who cares? I
left those blank or gave random answers as they are not relevant.

> All best,
> brynn


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