On Nov 26, 2009, at 2:59 PM, ~suv wrote:
p.s. above distinction between gtk-osx and the GDK/GTK+ quartz module follows this explanation from the gtk-osx.sf.net project site:
«The native Quartz display is handled by libgdk-quartz and libgtk-quartz which are part of the GTK+-2 code base and are not part of the GTK-OSX project. Unfortunately, these libraries are not yet feature-complete. What's more, while most other Gnome functionality can be made to work on OSX, few if any of the developers have any interest cross-platform compatibility. Developers considering GTK+ as a cross-platform environment for new work are advised to evaluate other toolkits carefully before committing to GTK if they consider OSX an important market.»
I've been following this for a bit, and at the moment the main impression I get is that the new/revived gtk-osx project is mainly wrapping up GTK into aqua/mac friendly packages/toolkits/libraries/whatevers while the core work for actually making things function correctly has been moved into the main GTK source tree itself.
Especially since we care about things like clipboards, tablet input, etc. I believe that the core GTK area is perhaps more important for us. Or to phrase it differently... both projects might be working in concert but bugs in the actual toolkit parts itself (other than the packaging of such) is not covered by the new gtk-osx effort.