Craig Bradney wrote:
It was just an observation from the outside. From the users side, it probably makes little difference, but it will confuse or perhaps, disorient is a better word, new users or users who have no idea about SVG and need to work with layers. "Root" is a typical unix or typical tree based term, background is more closely related to artwork on the user side. Its a little puzzling that SVG would expose such a word to the user, as most users of such a format would probably already associate the primary node with the word root anyway.
Just my 2c.
That's true. Maybe we can call it "Background" there, and add something about "root" to the Help files.
By the way, as it works, "root" looks like it is referring to placing graphics directly as child nodes of the XML DocumentRoot, while the other layers are <g>roup child nodes of the DocumentRoot. "Background" would imply that all of these <g>roups are higher in z-order (or farther down the XML file) than all of the non-group children of the DocumentRoot.
Does anyone know if this is the behaviour? Are the children of DocumentRoot sorted this way? Or maybe it doesn't matter, who knows? ;-)
A way to check would be to draw an object on layer1, then draw an object on (root), then look at the XML. (Sorry, not at my laptop right now, or I would check myself.)