On 23/8/10 10:36, Drechsel Wolf wrote:
c) Tiger:
Am I the person in charge?
Apparently so! ;)
Any news about building a Universal package for Tiger?
AFAIK, Tiger is no longer supported by macports.
I wasted hours on setting up for building universal, but there are so many failures when building the necessary compontens not beeing fixed by macports people, that I do not see there's a way to build inkscape Tiger universal.
It may be easier with an Intel Tiger machine - but I guess, most of these have been upgraded.
Thank you for your efforts trying to get inkscape build universal! (yes, using MacPorts to install all requirements with the required archs can be troublesome, even on supported OS X versions). I agree that users on Intel machines are more likely to (have) upgrade(d) to (Snow) Leopard.