On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 20:21 -0400, Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:
Was an inkscape git mirror ever established? I'd like to change my checkout from svn to git.
FWIW, Cloning with: git svn clone -s https://inkscape.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/inkscape/inkscape inkscape
halted for me somewhere around r10060 (2006). I couldn't get any error output to see why subsequent clone or fetch operations wouldn't retrieve later revisions.
I had real problems making a proper Bzr mirror. I happened to be at a conference with a bunch of Bzr people so they looked into it, it seems that there is a real delay with getting properties on the SF SVN servers. That was the bottleneck, I'm assuming it's the same for git.
BTW, my bzr trunk is here for those who are interested: