Yes. Overloading the drawing tools to perform post-creation modifications introduces some level of inconsistency in the interface.
I don't disagree (though I think the inconsistency is minimal), but I've not seen any better suggestions either.
I don't see any inconsistency here at all. The principle is simple: each drawing tool draws objects of its own type, but can edit as many other objects and aspects as practical. E.g. ellipse tool can edit all other shapes, as well as pattern fills. When we move gradient editing to canvas, shape tools and node tool will be able to edit them too, though we will also have a new gradient tool for _creating_ gradients.
Think of it this way: various on-canvas handles are the property of the _object_, not of the _tool_. The shape tools just "allow" objects to reveal their on-canvas editability. I think this is quite consistent and VERY convenient.