On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:02 PM, ~suv<suv-sf@...58...> wrote:
did you have a look at your installed fonts? (font management with/in 'Font Book' has no influence on which fonts inkscape / X11 sees -> Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/font.conf defines the included font directories for inkscape)
The installed fonts are the default one, plus other three or four, which doesn't seem to be corrupted. Anyway it is more than 6 months that I don't install any font, therefore I may guess that's not the problem. Anyway, now that you speak of this problem, when everything was working, I wasn't able to select Helvetica as a font. I could select Helvetica CY, but not Helvetica: it was selecting Sans instead (I clicked on Helvetica, and Inkscape selected Sans). Could that be related?