On 2014-10-21 19:34 (+0100), Johan Engelen wrote:
On 14-10-2014 21:38, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey all,
For those who don't sub to the cairo list, cairo 1.14 has been released which has the downscaling we need available for 0.91.
So, any Windows devs want to see about building it and testing for the devlibs?
The updated cairo binaries that Partha built are now in devlibs64. Please test and see if anything is broken. Partha also updated other dependencies, but I have not committed them for lack of time to do it properly.
I would recommend to patch cairo 1.14.0 if included in Inkscape installers for stable releases:
Users on OS X testing osxmenu packages with cairo 1.14.0 reported random (daily) crashes (critical: no emergency save -> dataloss).
While trying to locally reproduce the crashes, I noticed that with cairo from git master the crashes no longer. AFAICT the related commit in cairo git master which fixes it is:
Based on the backtraces, a related cairo bug report seems to be
Steps to trigger such crashes with Inkscape and cairo 1.14.0: 1) launch inkscape trunk with default (new) prefs 2) zoom to 100% 3) draw a star (default settings) 4) keep star selected, switch to Spray tool 5) start spraying (to fill the visible canvas area) 5a) until (random) crash occurs 5b) zooming out (or in) may trigger the crash too
Backtrace of such a crash: https://gist.github.com/su-v/6d19e317a5dc20974194