4 Feb
4 Feb
5:37 a.m.
On 2/2/11 22:26, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
I have not done extensive tests, Inkscape seems to build fine, runs ok, and what I tested (spiro LPE) works fine too. If there are any troubles, let me know.
tested with r10031 on OS X 10.5.8, default prefs, compared with r10021:
1) select tool transforming with the mouse (stretch, scale, skew) seems broken
2) node tool node-editing of a path with auto-smooth nodes randomly (?) converts un-affected auto-smooth nodes into cusps.
In attached example: - select e.g. an end node and move it: all auto-smooth nodes turn into cusp nodes - now select all nodes (Ctrl+A) and move the selection of nodes (i.e. the whole path): auto-smooth nodes are restored
hth, ~suv