Joshua A. Andler wrote:
As for planning, our wiki page with proposals from last year is at http://wiki.inkscape.org:8080/wiki/index.php/Googles_Summer_Of_Code and it appears that almost all of it still applies.
I am currently working on the grid code. Hope to get that finished soon. The change includes a new grid class for easier grid implementation, plus the ability to have multiple grids (different views can have different grids aswell). So point "E. New Grids" can be changed. (that is, if you like my implementation :)
Shall we start updating it for this year? Are last year's mentors still willing to mentor on the topics per the page? Any newer developers that would be willing to mentor? [...] Any eligible students or potential mentors, please do speak up.
I have no idea what GSoC actually is, and their site does not really clearify much. I'll try to get onto jabber tomorrow to ask around.
Cheers, Johan