OK, that makes sense... It sounds like it would need fixing in the Debian packaging code. I'm traveling at the moment but will sort it out in a couple of days if no one beats me to it.
Please could someone open a high-priority bug report?
AV On 21 May 2016 10:20 a.m., "Marc Jeanmougin" <marc@...3062...> wrote:
IIRC there is no library in the autotools build, just big static binaries, while in cmake there is a lib/inkscape/ directory containing all our internal libs (2geom, avoid, cola, croco, depixelize,gc,inkscape_base,livarot, nrtype,uemf, util, vpsc), and bin/ has small binaries linking to those.
-- Mc
On 05/21/2016 07:06 PM, Alex Valavanis wrote:
This results from switching the PPA to use CMake, i.e., the CMake build appears to be installing the library into a different location from the Autotools builds.
I suspect we should look into fixing the issue in our CMake build if possible, but I'll be able to look into the Debian packaging code in a couple of days if it needs to be fixed there.
On 21 May 2016 9:52 a.m., "Marc Jeanmougin" <marc@...3062... mailto:marc@...3062...> wrote:
Yes, lib/ does not seem to be included in the ppa debs. I think it might be something as simple as a line "install-default/usr/lib/ usr" to
but I'm not sure about the syntax or how packaging works -- Mc