I've been working through the extensions in updating my book and have the following comments:
1. The release notes uses "Extensions" while the menu label in the GUI is "Effects".
2. Extract one image:
Dialog is confusing. It asks for "Path to save image". I initially though that it would get the file name out of the SVG file (maybe from the id name). The dialog would be more clear if it said "Filename (with path) to save image". (Aaron points out that it would be even better if it used a file chooser dialog.)
3. Envelope:
Generates warnings of the type: "Format autodetect failed. The file is being opened as SVG." Otherwise the effect works.
4. Flatten Bezier:
"Flatten Path" is the name used in the release notes.
5. Radius Randomize:
Minor quibble: The "normal distribution" generated isn't really a normal distribution (as you would find in the error of measuring the position of a point). The x and y coordinates should be uncorrelated and thus one should write:
x += abs(random.normalvariate(0.0,0.5*r) y += abs(random.normalvariate(0.0,0.5*r)
6. Latex Formula:
pstoedit must be installed with the SVG plug-in. The plug-in is shareware and only available for Windows and Suse Linux 9.3 using g++ 3.4.5. (See: http://www.pstoedit.net/pstoedit.)
7. Fretboard Designer:
These effects should really be grouped in a submenu under Render.
8. Effects menus:
The new organization of the Effects in submenus is great improvement! I think I would have approached the problem of implementation differently. Rather than embed menu structure inside the effects, it might of been more interesting to extract the menu structure from a directory structure, obtaining the names of the menus and of the effects from the names of the directories and the inx files respectively. For example, the Fretboard effects would be place in a directory named Fretboard_Designer inside a directory named Render. The first Fretboard effect would have an inx file with the name: Single_Length_Equal_Temperament. If would then be easy for a user to add their own effects or to move them around. Of course, one would still have to come up with a method to handle translations. The code could be reused to organize the Templates menu.