On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 1:48 PM, John Cliff <john.cliff@...400...> wrote:
On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Felipe Sanches <juca@...2270...> wrote:
Not all inkscape users on linux have any qualms about the propietary drivers, be it due to ideology or any other reason.
Inkscape is a free software project. Then, we shouldn't implement something that REQUIRES users to install proprietary drivers.
We shouldnt require something that requires them to install proprietary drivers, but to outright ignore the possibilty because its not free is just daft.
I am not ignoring the possibility. I am explicitely opposing it.
The graphics card your running on isnt open,
the processor your using isnt open, yet we use them. Personally I dont mind using proprietary drivers, I already made the choice to buy their hardware, why cant I choose to use their driver? If theres a speed gain to be had, we would we not even consider it based on ideology? Main thought was can it be a Cairo backend?
Regarding your comments about "opennes" of processors and video cards... hardware is hardware, software is software: there are different technical and political considerations about each and we dont have to treat hw and sw the same way, since hw and sw are not the same thing.
I think that there is a consensus that Inkscape is a project committed to software freedom. Since drivers are software, it seems to me that our policy towards drivers is the same.