Daniel Pope wrote:
Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Contest is closed and voting has begun. http://inkscapers.deviantart.com/journal/11285035/
I don't have or want a DevianTart account so it appears I don't get to vote.
You do get to vote. Unfortunately, the post to the users list where I stated this is not in the archives on SourceForge yet.
It SHOULD show up in the following thread at the bottom when SourceForge updates the archives: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=31243304&forum_id...
Basically you just need to cast your vote in that thread and I will include all the votes made there in the tally at the end. :)
Several of the submissions state CC licenses but we need GPL. This should probably have been in the rules but this only matters if the winner refuses to re-license as GPL.
This hasn't been an issue in the past and most likely will not be in the future. If the winner refuses to license as GPL or Public Domain it's their loss, as we have plenty of good entries by people who would be willing to do so. ;)