-----Original Message----- From: Jasper van de Gronde [mailto:th.v.d.gronde@...528...] Sent: 21 April, 2009 21:25 To: Preben Soeberg Cc: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] bugfix for divisor default
Preben Soeberg wrote:
The patches are made on the correct and newest files, and I have tested
I made a mistake, when editing in the patch (removed irrelevant changes
other files), so I have updated and posted it again.
Patch applied, thanks for your input! However, this does expose another issue. Inkscape now uses the default setting when divisor is set to zero, which is not that bad, but other renderers might consider it an error condition (as the spec says) and handle it differently. So, since Inkscape currently outputs divisor="0" when it actually "intents" to use the default values there might be discrepancies between Inkscape and other renderers (and Inkscape would in fact be "wrong").
Any ideas on how to properly resolve this would be appreciated. In my opinion the cleanest solution would be to explicitly allow setting divisor to the default in the UI (making the slider gray for example, while keeping its value in sync with the values in the kernel matrix) and reflecting this in the serialization. Setting the divisor to zero should be prevented in some way. (I have absolutely no idea how to do all this though.)
When adding a new convolve matrix filter, it comes up correctly with no divisor attribute in the SVG data. It is when the slider is moved away from zero, the attribute appears, and then it does not disappear again, when the slider is set to zero.
The divisor is not updated correctly, when the divisor attribute is just deleted with the XML editor. Setting the divisor to zero and the deleting it works correctly.
So, if the slider has been touched, how can the divisor attribute be deleted, when the slider is set to zero again?