I only changed the one object in the -issue file, but ok.

Oh wait, no, there isn't a problem copying and pasting in an image from another source, there is only the problem of taking an object inside of a current drawing copying it, cutting it, and pasting it back into the same illustration.

I can copy and paste into an drawing just fine, I simply can't copy-cut-paste an object that's already in the drawing.

On 6/20/05, mental@...3... <mental@...3...> wrote:
Quoting linux peach <linuxpeach@...400...>:

> Any and all objects that are copy-cut-pasted.

I can't replicate this, and there are too many changes between the
first two documents you sent for me to be able to tell which change
might be the problem.

Try this:

1. take a document that looks OK in gimp, saved with the version of
Inkcape you are testing with

2. copy and paste an object in it, making no other changes

3. save the result as another document

4. see if the copy-and-pasted object disappears in gimp

5. if so, send us both documents

if not we can look into other causes
