> 2010/12/13 Jon Cruz <
>> On Dec 12, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Yu-Chung Wang wrote:
>>> However, we need more than that. For example, we need to know the selection set is changed so that we
>>> can display some information according to the current selection. I can bind the signal or callback, which
>>> is available in the curretn codebase. But, it's better if there is an official interface for the UI related stuff.
>>> I can image that we need
>>> * Intercept some signals to know the UI change made by users
>>> * Register a new menu item or toolbar item
>>> * Add dock item into any part of the UI
>>> * Call inkscape functions. It is equal to change the current selection set and then send the verb.
>>> DBus is not a good idea since the Windows port is very important because our extension
>>> is to provide a tools for the art designer, who typically use Windows.
>> The general plan has been to expose a live SVG DOM to allow full interactivity. (BTW, I agree about DBus in the near term due to platform issues).
>> Among other things, we will be able to expose things via DOM Events.
>> These are natural approaches for SVG since among other things they match what web authors are used to and are expanding more and more with. This is especially pertinent given the use of SVG in HTML5 and adoption by even MSIE.
>> The document itself will be a live, mutable SVG DOM. The program interface will be exposed via the exact same DOM/Events approach. The key will be to get standard names for functions and parameters, roughly corresponding to a cleanup of our verbs and their identifiers.
>> Another key concept is to focus on the *logical* approach to the UI, and not a *physical* one. Keep in mind that menu items might be moved, and toolbar items definitely will be moved by individual users dynamically at runtime. So for example that means not adding a new toolbar item or a new menu item. Instead one will add a new *action* that can be placed at various and/or multiple locations in the UI.
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