When you say "btool something" that something is one of the targets in build.xml. The project has a default target listed at the top (dist). This is the one that will be executed, after all of its dependent targets, unless you specify another one. You can pick any target to execute.
So you can say: btool compile
...and only run a compile, with no linking or copying.
I guess you could add a pair of targets, something like this:
<target name="refresh_prepare" description="delete the build.dep file to force a regeneration"> <delete file="build.dep"/> </target>
<target name="refresh" depends="refresh_prepare,compile" description="force the cc task to regenerate its cache"> <!-- nothing necessary here --> </target>
The second task doesn't need to do anything. It just says: "before me, run refresh_prepare, and then compile"
I'm not sure how to work that into the scheme of the rest of the target hierarchy, though. :)
-----Original Message-----
Can you alias that, so that -Drefresh=true is just refresh, so you can simply go 'btool refresh'?