hello guys,
does anybody has a clue on why SVGFonts code stopped working?
(09:01:51) Juca: SVG Fonts code is broken currently (09:01:58) Juca: and I have no idea why (09:02:18) Juca: at least for me it stopped working sometime ago (1 or 2 weeks maybe) (09:02:26) Juca: does it work for you? (09:02:39) Juca: maybe it is an issue with my cairo version (09:03:16) Alexandre Prokoudine: honestly, I find it difficult to use the current implementation (09:03:30) Alexandre Prokoudine: starting with having no idea in what form to input unicode value (09:03:48) Juca: yeah, I agree (09:03:58) Alexandre Prokoudine: and finishing with no numeric input for kerning value (09:03:59) Juca: currently we input the char itsef (09:04:16) Juca: not the codepoint value (09:05:03) Juca: but does it render anything (even the default missing glyph) in the text preview area? (09:05:10) Alexandre Prokoudine: nope (09:05:15) Juca: it is not rendering in my builb (09:05:16) Alexandre Prokoudine: and it never did for me (09:05:20) Juca: hmmm (09:05:42) Juca: it worked for me during some time and then misteriously stopped working (09:05:57) Juca: it worked while I was activelly developing it (09:06:11) Juca: since SoC until 2 weeks ago at least I think (09:06:36) Alexandre Prokoudine: maybe your cairo has a secret switch that worked only for you :) (09:06:43) Juca: :-P