On 9/26/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...533...> wrote:
Well, there were a total of 3 entries for the website re-design contest. They are as follows:
Scriptina-like fonts are difficult to read. The mockup is beautiful to look at, but not really easy to read.
Looks good, except left border of search entry field should sahre the same vertical alignment with "archives" cell's left border.
Looks good and modern, but default color scheme is somewhat girlish (don't get me wrong ;)) The same one with black/white/grey/blue (the blue from footnote <div/> in the previous mockup) colors would look better, IMO. Also, it's not really obvious at least to me, whether "General" is on the same level of hierarchy with "Community" and "Developers". Ratio aspect for "Sample art" and "Screenshot" need to be changes as well.
If my vote counts, I would go for the third one, if color scheme and other little things will be fixed.