23 Jun
23 Jun
3:41 p.m.
The numbers below don't need much comment. Our PNG export uses the same code as rendering. "inkscape" is with cairo patch, i-or is the nonpatched build. With gradient.svg the difference is even bigger - try it yourself.
$ time inkscape share/examples/tiger.svgz --export-png=aaa.png --export-dpi=1200 DPI: 1200 Background RRGGBBAA: ffffff00 Area 0:0:594:1052.36 exported to 7920 x 14031 pixels (1200 dpi) Bitmap saved as: aaa.png
real 0m12.537s user 0m12.433s sys 0m0.052s
$ time i-or share/examples/tiger.svgz --export-png=aaa.png --export-dpi=1200 DPI: 1200 Background RRGGBBAA: ffffff00 Area 0:0:594:1052.36 exported to 7920 x 14031 pixels (1200 dpi) Bitmap saved as: aaa.png
real 0m17.511s user 0m17.409s sys 0m0.084s
bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.