Apologies that this isn't really related to Inkscape development, but...
I'm having real trouble with checking in the WordPress stuff I did. I was up til nearly 2AM last night trying to get it to work (I got errors when trying to commit), at which point I when to bed grumpily. Anyway, today I finally got it to commit without any errors, but when I look at the repository via the web interface (http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/inkscape/inkscape_web/) it seems to have not worked right. The four WordPress-related directories have checked in (wp-*), but NONE of the files seem to have. Furthermore, in the wp-includes, wp-admin and wp-images directories, it seems the "cvs" data directories have also checked in (which they shouldn't have), again, without the files. I'm confused as hell, because the output in the terminal when I committed seemed to be fine. For instance:
RCS file: /cvsroot/inkscape/inkscape_web/wp-includes/vars.php,v done Checking in wp-includes/vars.php; /cvsroot/inkscape/inkscape_web/wp-includes/vars.php,v <-- vars.php initial revision: 1.1 done
That, and other similar output suggests to me that it worked. But maybe I'm missing something?
If anyone can help me out I'd be very grateful. I'm sure this is just my newbie-ness but I can't see where I've gone wrong.
Also, on the topic of Subversion, I'd definitely support switching to that -- this is the first time for me using CVS, but I have used Subversion in the past with zero problems, and CVS is feels like an uphill battle.
Thanks, Jon